A Multi-dimensional Ethical Dilemma

Math and Democracy: A Multi-dimensional Ethical Dilemma (2)

THE SECOND dimension is related to the ultimate goal of democratic public policy itself that is Human Dignity, as Laswell declared that the policy scientist of democracy just “decided” on democracy and its “ultimate goal” of human dignity (Laswell, 1951). Again, post positivists point positivism is the paradigm that ignoring human dignity I all its […]

Math and Democracy: A Multi-dimensional Ethical Dilemma (1)

PUBLIC participation in public policy making is the inevitable in this democratic era, more than everything. Whatever public policies will make, such as, central or local regulations (Undang-undang or Perda), budget allocations (APBN/D), or government’s programs and projects, all asking public opinion and interest groups accommodation as the requirement of democratic public policy making process. […]

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