
Faith and Reason in Islam Averroes’ Exposition of Religious Arguments

Ibrahim Y. Najjar and Majid Fakhry Introduction I Abu’l-Walid Ibn Rushd, known in European sources as Averroes, was born in Cordova, Spain, in 1126 C.E. He studied Arabic letters (Adab), jurisprudence (Fiqh), Kalam, medicine and philosophy with a number of teachers, some of whose names are given in the sources. In 1169, he was introduced […]

Being and Language in Averroes’ “Tahafut At-Tahafut”

MASSIMO CAMPANINI Rationalism is one of the main issues which tends to be raised in interpreting Averroes’ thought. Whoever tries to define Averroes as a rationalist, makes him basically a follower of the Greek heritage (and so, in the end, a “Western” scholar). Indeed, Averroes himself offered the opportunity for this assumption because of his […]

Ibnu Rusyd (Averroes): The King of Philosopher

Abu Ya‘la al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rusyd (1126-1198), atau yang lebih terkenal dengan sebutan Ibn Rusyd atau Averroes, adalah filosof Muslim Barat terbesar di abad pertengahan. Dia adalah pendiri pikiran merdeka sehingga memiliki pengaruh yang sangat tinggi di Eropa. Michael Angelo meletakkan patung khayalinya di atas atap gereja Syktien di Vatikan karena […]

Ibn Sina: Representasi Puncak Filsafat Arab

Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn Sina (980-1037) atau yang secara umum dikenal dengan nama Ibn Sina atau Avicenna (bahasa Latin yang terdistorsi dari bahasa Hebrew Aven Sina) adalah seorang ensiklopedis, filosof, fisiologis, dokter, ahli matematika, astronomer dan sastrawan. Bahkan, di beberapa tempat ia lebih terkenal sebagai sastrawan daripada seorang filosof.

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